I just wrapped up two new Internet Tours conceived together with Mario Santamaría. Like last year, we took some tourists around the San Francisco Bay Area on a journey to the hidden places through which our images, voices, cryptocurrencies and future intelligence circulate (more info on this and last year’s Internet Tour here). I love love love this project and hope I can continue offering more tours like it in the near future. This year’s tour was part of BCNM‘s 20th year anniversary celebrations. Happy birthday, BCNM.

We also traveled to Bergen, Norway, to conduct a different tour: Ocean Internet Tour, at the University Museum. Although a situated experience like the other tour, in this journey Mario and I explored the possibility of speaking from the depth of the ocean, following a possible trace route between Berkeley and Bergen, experimenting with the changes of light as this hits the ocean at different depths. Performing this was a beauty as well, a mermaid.

Ocean Internet Tour was part of a larger series of events around the More Than Meets AI exhibit organized by the Center for Digital Narrative in collaboration with UC Berkeley, co-curated by Eamon O’Kane, Jill Miller, and Scott Rettberg with Jhave Johnston and myself. Spanning over 6 different venues around the city of Bergen, this show “investigates AI and its role in creativity, narrative, and artistic innovation. We do so from a critically engaged perspective, one that both celebrates the new potentialities of AI for the arts and literature, while simultaneously considering some of the significant challenges AI poses for our culture and society.”

Andreas Oppsvik
The amazing folks from the CDN also organized a seminar about AI and Digital Narrative, where we were able to discuss new artistic currents around art and AI, with a special emphasis on narrative and generation. Thank you all!