Have you ever wondered what that might mean? I am not truly sure, but the new book edited by Isabel Navas Ocaña and Dolores Romero, Ciberfeminismos, tecnotextualidades y transgéneros: Literatura digital en español escrita por mujeres, attempts a few approaches (and some definitions). While casting a wide net around these topics, the book focuses on the work of three main women digital artists: María Mencía, Belén Gache, Tina Escaja and myself! Apart from critical work discussing our practice, we were also invited to contribute some personal reflections. My chapter, “Corporal y corporativa: sobre Corporate Poetry de Alex Saum” looks at my Corporate Poetry project, explaining and contextualizing some of the poems in that series.
You can read Ocaña and Romero’s introduction here. But you will have to buy the book (or hurry to your library!) to read the other wonderful essays by authors such as Claudia Kozak, Thea Pitman, Miram Borham, Daniel Escandell… as well as Gache, Escaja, Mecncía and myself!