More AI and some VR

Blog updating is a bore, but my participation in these two events around artificial intelligence and virtual reality on campus this past month was not! On Feb 7 I participated on a round table with some excellent colleagues on the challenges and opportunities of teaching language, literature and culture in the age of AI. The More AI and some VR

More Internet Tours and More AI

I just wrapped up two new Internet Tours conceived together with Mario Santamaría. Like last year, we took some tourists around the San Francisco Bay Area on a journey to the hidden places through which our images, voices, cryptocurrencies and future intelligence circulate (more info on this and last year’s Internet Tour here). I love More Internet Tours and More AI

Letters and Sciences in the Age of AI

Last month I had the good fortune of participating in a conversation on the past, future and present of AI together with my colleagues Josh Bloom, professor of Astronomy, and Keanan Joyner, assistant professor of Psychology, led by Marion Fourcade, Director of the Social Science Matrix and professor of Sociology. It was a fascinating multidisciplinary Letters and Sciences in the Age of AI

Internet Tour

Together with Mario Santamaría, I took folks in a bus around the San Francisco Bay Area to look at data centers. Following Mario’s project, we called this “Internet Tour: Invisible Infrastructures and AI Hallucinations“: Like any other digital technology, or the Internet itself, the current explosion of AI research and applications relies on their conceptualization Internet Tour

The great feat of ELO2023 Coimbra

The Electronic Literature Organization 2023 international conference and media art festival took place in Coimbra, Portugal, July 12 to 15, and I had the great pleasure of co-chairing this massive event with my beloved Rui Torres and Manuel Portela, as well as Daniela Côrtes Maduro (who first suggested this event should take place in beautiful The great feat of ELO2023 Coimbra

Futuros: imaginarios, redes y prácticas digitales en la cultura española. Un catálogo de posibles

I am super excited to share with you this special issue that Álvaro Llosa and myself have co-edited for The Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies (Vol 24.1). Including articles by scholars Nuria Rodríguez-Ortega, Vega Sánchez Aparicio, Laura Sánchez Gómez and artist Tina Escaja; speculative essays by Belén Gache, and Álvaro Llosa; creative essays by Germán Futuros: imaginarios, redes y prácticas digitales en la cultura española. Un catálogo de posibles

End of the semester: Thanks! + new talks, and a new art show at the Cervantes Institute in New York City

The semester ends and it’s been a busy one! Probably the busiest of my career at UC Berkeley. Students sometime ask me what’s that I do, and it is a poem to see their faces when I explain to them the many different roles a college professor has… or is made to have. In any End of the semester: Thanks! + new talks, and a new art show at the Cervantes Institute in New York City

Emerge/ncy: a new poetry chapbook

Last Monday, the Arts Research Center had the most beautiful party for the launch of Emerge/ncy, a chapbook presenting the work of the 2020 Poetry and the Senses Fellows, and my very dear friends, Menat Allah El Attma, Nathalie Khankin, Rusty Morrison, Gracia Mwamba, Beth Piatote, Jared Robinson, Jennif(f)er Tamayo (and myself). It was a Emerge/ncy: a new poetry chapbook


Have you ever wondered what that might mean? I am not truly sure, but the new book edited by Isabel Navas Ocaña and Dolores Romero, Ciberfeminismos, tecnotextualidades y transgéneros: Literatura digital en español escrita por mujeres, attempts a few approaches (and some definitions). While casting a wide net around these topics, the book focuses on Cyberfeminisms