
If the Future Is Digital, Why Print a Book?

Last week I attended the international symposium “Reading Wide, Writing Wide in the Digital Age: Perspectives on Transliteratures” organized by the LEETHI group from the Complutense University of Madrid. It was a fantastic event where I had the opportunity to listen to very interesting work engaging electronic literature from very different perspectives, such as Vilashini If the Future Is Digital, Why Print a Book?

Passaic, Google, and Agustín Fernández Mallo’s Bird’s-Eye View

Fall semesters are tough.However, there are things one can do to make them a bit more enjoyable. Like teaching things one really loves, such as the short story “Mutaciones” by Spanish writer, Agustín Fernández Mallo, included in the now sadly disappeared El hacedor (de Borges), Remake. “Mutaciones” is a three part story based on Borges’ Passaic, Google, and Agustín Fernández Mallo’s Bird’s-Eye View

1 Year Performace or AFM’s Odisea (ENG)

  **Y ahora, en inglés. Will it be the same? I’ve assigned the following readings for this week’s class: Fernández Mallo, Agustín. Postpoesía. Hacia un nuevo paradigma _______Joan Fontaine Odisea Goldsmith, Kenneth. “Why Conceptual Writing? Why now?” Suggested: Dworkin, Craig. “The Fate of Echo” The eight graduate students taking the seminar are invited to comment 1 Year Performace or AFM’s Odisea (ENG)

One Year Performance o la odisea de AFM

He puesto en el plan de clase para la semana que viene lo siguiente: Fernández Mallo, Agustín. Postpoesía. Hacia un nuevo paradigma _______Joan Fontaine Odisea Goldsmith, Kenneth. “Why Conceptual Writing? Why now?” Sugerida: Dworkin, Craig. “The Fate of Echo” Los ocho participantes del seminario comentarán eso y otras muchas cosas, espero. Mientras, yo pienso en One Year Performance o la odisea de AFM