Electronic Literature

A new show, a new talk, and a new life

This Fall semester has been particularly quiet in terms of work, yet substantially louder in terms of life. Oh, the noise a new baby makes! Still, I didn’t want to let too much time pass without a little update, because I did participate in a couple exciting art projects. My interactive poem “Potential Ideas and A new show, a new talk, and a new life

Summer News, What’s New?

Although I am currently in Madrid taking a little breather, this summer has not been without excitement! Let’s catch up a little: The month of May ended with my participation in Mexico City’s Festival El Aleph where I showed my piece, “Perspectiva_el Aleph”, part of a collaborative multimedia performance, “El texto infinito,” designed together with Summer News, What’s New?

Chica-go! Jan 2019: DH and #YouTubers

Go, go, go, Chica-go! 2019 started with a quick but adventure-packed trip to Chicago to perform at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (Jan 4), as well as participate in a roundtable discussion at MLA (Jan 5), and have the most decadent vegan feast at Matthew Kenny’s Althea (to celebrate my birthday in Chica-go! Jan 2019: DH and #YouTubers


**please view and listen to poems through a desktop computer, they won’t work on mobile devices** “#SELFIEPOETRY: Fake Art Histories & the Inscription of the Digital Self” is an on going series of e-poems that I’ve recently started to write (although write might not be the right word to use), using the online platform NewHive–which #SELFIEPOETRY

If the Future Is Digital, Why Print a Book?

Last week I attended the international symposium “Reading Wide, Writing Wide in the Digital Age: Perspectives on Transliteratures” organized by the LEETHI group from the Complutense University of Madrid. It was a fantastic event where I had the opportunity to listen to very interesting work engaging electronic literature from very different perspectives, such as Vilashini If the Future Is Digital, Why Print a Book?

Teaching E-Lit and DH: Plataformas de la imaginación

Last week I had the wonderful opportunity of participating in the international symposium, Máquinas de inminencia, organized by UNAM’s lleomin Mexico City. This series of talks was part of their larger electronic literature project, Plataformas de la imaginación: Escenarios de la literatura electrónica (and, shameless plug here: also part of the even larger series of Teaching E-Lit and DH: Plataformas de la imaginación

Spring 16 Courses

UC Berkeley students, beware! This Spring 16 I will be teaching two new courses: 1. A groundbreaking upper-division undergraduate course on e-lit that epitomizes digital humanities – literary analysis alongside basic programming skills and DH tools and methods [Find out more about this e-lit undergraduate course here] …and… 2. An exciting graduate seminar on the Spring 16 Courses

¿Por qué debemos pensar las Humanidades Digitales desde la Literatura Electrónica?

Como ya viene siendo habitual este semestre, copio aquí la entrada que colgué esta semana para el blog de la asignatura, Electronic Literatures: Hispanic Influences, que estoy impartiendo en UC Berkeley. Hoy he propuesto en clase que pensáramos sobre la relación entre la literatura electrónica y las humanidades digitales pues, aunque para algunos esto parezca ¿Por qué debemos pensar las Humanidades Digitales desde la Literatura Electrónica?