#SELFIEPOETRY: 24_7 on Show at Print Screen Festival

My NewHive poem, 24_7, part of my ongoing, tongue-in-cheek series “WOMEN & CAPITALISM,” will be exhibited at Israel’s International Digital Arts and Culture Festival, Print Screen, this June 2016.

24_7 cover

24_7, detail

This e-poem is an exploration on the relationship between the body, as a biological entity increasingly depleted of its subjectivity, and its entanglement in the current network of capitalist ideas about progress and production. I am interested on how we turn our bodies into work-machines, and how that could be expressed by representing my own body (my face, my selfie) into a digital image looping continuously. Oh. I also like sparrows. They apparently never sleep.

The winning piece, Balance, by Taietzel Ticalos, together with the other finalist works (my 24_7 among them) will be will be exhibited in the Holon Cinematheque and Mediatheque, under the title “Relaxation Machine”. From the online description:

What is the relationship between technology and relaxation — between technology and sleep, even? How do our dreams relate to the divinations and future-looking inclinations of the technological landscape? What are the consequences of ‘always on’ digital culture? How does technology create new sources of pleasure and relaxation, while at the same time denying these in the name of productivity?

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