
More Internet Tours and More AI

I just wrapped up two new Internet Tours conceived together with Mario Santamaría. Like last year, we took some tourists around the San Francisco Bay Area on a journey to the hidden places through which our images, voices, cryptocurrencies and future intelligence circulate (more info on this and last year’s Internet Tour here). I love More Internet Tours and More AI

Internet Tour

Together with Mario Santamaría, I took folks in a bus around the San Francisco Bay Area to look at data centers. Following Mario’s project, we called this “Internet Tour: Invisible Infrastructures and AI Hallucinations“: Like any other digital technology, or the Internet itself, the current explosion of AI research and applications relies on their conceptualization Internet Tour

A new show, a new talk, and a new life

This Fall semester has been particularly quiet in terms of work, yet substantially louder in terms of life. Oh, the noise a new baby makes! Still, I didn’t want to let too much time pass without a little update, because I did participate in a couple exciting art projects. My interactive poem “Potential Ideas and A new show, a new talk, and a new life

From my room to yours

The generous and inspirational folks from Poetry and the Senses at the Arts Research Center invited me to read a poem: Many thanks! and I hope you enjoy it–we all need a little poetry these days. AlexOX

Summer News, What’s New?

Although I am currently in Madrid taking a little breather, this summer has not been without excitement! Let’s catch up a little: The month of May ended with my participation in Mexico City’s Festival El Aleph where I showed my piece, “Perspectiva_el Aleph”, part of a collaborative multimedia performance, “El texto infinito,” designed together with Summer News, What’s New?

Chica-go! Jan 2019: DH and #YouTubers

Go, go, go, Chica-go! 2019 started with a quick but adventure-packed trip to Chicago to perform at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (Jan 4), as well as participate in a roundtable discussion at MLA (Jan 5), and have the most decadent vegan feast at Matthew Kenny’s Althea (to celebrate my birthday in Chica-go! Jan 2019: DH and #YouTubers

More e-lit at Cal: Neural Nets

As part of a Peder Sather Center for Advanced Study grant that my colleague Scott Rettberg and I got, we’ll be convening a workshop this April on the fabulous topic of Electronic Literature as a framework for Digital Humanities. To start things well, we’ll be having an amazing ELECTRONIC WRITING READING on Thursday, April 5th, More e-lit at Cal: Neural Nets

July 17: Lots of e-lit

I am still not sure when I’ll return to the States (I am finishing off my sabbatical year here in Spain, and working around my new maternity duties) so I am trying to make the most out of this European Summer! This month of July I will be going to Porto to give two talks July 17: Lots of e-lit

Voces del extremo y la #selfiepoetry

La semana que viene voy a dar un par de recitales de poesía (aunque hablar de recitales suena raro, porque yo no recito y la #selfiepoetry no se deja recitar) como parte de las jornadas Voces del extremo, que este año se llevan a cabo en Extremadura (qué más extremo que la sierra extremeña, por otro lado). Voces del extremo y la #selfiepoetry