New Publication

Futuros: imaginarios, redes y prácticas digitales en la cultura española. Un catálogo de posibles

I am super excited to share with you this special issue that Álvaro Llosa and myself have co-edited for The Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies (Vol 24.1). Including articles by scholars Nuria Rodríguez-Ortega, Vega Sánchez Aparicio, Laura Sánchez Gómez and artist Tina Escaja; speculative essays by Belén Gache, and Álvaro Llosa; creative essays by Germán Futuros: imaginarios, redes y prácticas digitales en la cultura española. Un catálogo de posibles

Emerge/ncy: a new poetry chapbook

Last Monday, the Arts Research Center had the most beautiful party for the launch of Emerge/ncy, a chapbook presenting the work of the 2020 Poetry and the Senses Fellows, and my very dear friends, Menat Allah El Attma, Nathalie Khankin, Rusty Morrison, Gracia Mwamba, Beth Piatote, Jared Robinson, Jennif(f)er Tamayo (and myself). It was a Emerge/ncy: a new poetry chapbook


Have you ever wondered what that might mean? I am not truly sure, but the new book edited by Isabel Navas Ocaña and Dolores Romero, Ciberfeminismos, tecnotextualidades y transgéneros: Literatura digital en español escrita por mujeres, attempts a few approaches (and some definitions). While casting a wide net around these topics, the book focuses on Cyberfeminisms

More on Digital Materiality: A New Publication

I am honored to contribute a new chapter to the collective volume Escrituras hispánicas desde el exocanon (2022) edited by Daniel Escandell, where I discuss some of my current troubles with the dangerous environmental impact of digital technologies. In my chapter “Materialidad digital, algoritmos y otras abstracciones modernas” (“Digital Materiality, Algorithms, and Other Modern Abstractions”) More on Digital Materiality: A New Publication

Happy New Year! Here’s a New Poem

10 days into the new year and it feels like 2020 is still dragging… (2022 is pronounced “twenty twenty too” for a reason). But not all is bad news, here’s a lovely new poem I built using Qualtrics to cheer you up: Potential Ideas and Other Things that Live in Your Gut It was published Happy New Year! Here’s a New Poem

On bodies, surveys, virus and rooms…

Enter Corporate Poetry: I am thrilled to share this new article on my Corporate Poetry project that just got published in Texts of Discomfort (Carnegie Mellon ETC Press, 2021), edited by María Cecilia Reyes and James Pope. In their own words: Can discomfort be blissful? This volume presents an in-depth reflection of the selected artworks On bodies, surveys, virus and rooms…