New Media

Futuros: imaginarios, redes y prácticas digitales en la cultura española. Un catálogo de posibles

I am super excited to share with you this special issue that Álvaro Llosa and myself have co-edited for The Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies (Vol 24.1). Including articles by scholars Nuria Rodríguez-Ortega, Vega Sánchez Aparicio, Laura Sánchez Gómez and artist Tina Escaja; speculative essays by Belén Gache, and Álvaro Llosa; creative essays by Germán Futuros: imaginarios, redes y prácticas digitales en la cultura española. Un catálogo de posibles

Another show, more publications, a fabulous grad class, and the eternal sunshine of the COVID-19 pandemic

Fall is way on its way and I have [as always] been falling behind on sharing good news. Here’s a few lovely things that happened this semester: I published a new poem “Made to Disappear” in the German-Austrian magazine Perspektive, part of a special issue on the digital avant-garde curated by Sylvia Egger. This is Another show, more publications, a fabulous grad class, and the eternal sunshine of the COVID-19 pandemic

Poetry and The Senses Fellowship

I might still not quite believe it but I am a 2020 Poetry Fellow at the Arts Research Center. This fellowship will allow me to work with a group of fantastically talented and interesting Bay Area poets around the main theme of “emergency”. While this is a broad topic, our main goal will be to Poetry and The Senses Fellowship

New Essay on Fragmentation, Digital Technologies, and Global Cities in Late Capitalism

(Yes, all of the above) I am so happy to share this new article I wrote for Revista de Estudios Hispánicos (53.2) analyzing the works of Jorge Carrión, Kenneth Goldsmith and Vicente Luis Mora! You can read it all freely and openly thanks to Project Muse HERE And here’s the abstract for you*: *Essay is New Essay on Fragmentation, Digital Technologies, and Global Cities in Late Capitalism

Escribir es escribir como si pensáramos en presente

Estoy muy feliz de compartir mi ensayo “As We May Think/Escribir es escribir como si pensáramos en presente” que ha salido en Fobias – Fonias – Fagias. Escritas Experimentais e Eletrónicas Ibero-Afro-Latinoamericanas, un libro hermosísimo editado por Claudia Kozak y Rui Torres, publicado en la serie Cibertextualidades de la Universidade Fernando Pessoa. El volumen completo, Escribir es escribir como si pensáramos en presente

No Legacy opens in San Francisco!

[EN] I am thrilled to announce that (a mini version) of No Legacy || Literatura electrónica is going to open at the California College of the Arts in San Francisco! Starting this Thursday, up until May 5, 2017. Please go visit! For more info, please visit the CCA’s events page, and their Facebook event page. [ES] Me llena de No Legacy opens in San Francisco!

Mis obsesiones online

Hace unos días los majos de New Hive me pidieron que escribiera un pequeño artículo seleccionando mi top 5 de obsesiones internaúticas. Como persona obsesiva y atormentada que soy, el top obsesivo real es mucho más largo, pero aquí les dejo lo que escogí para ellos: el trabajo enciclopédico de Leo Flores, los juegos de Porpentine, Mis obsesiones online

Spring Courses: E-Lit en español

I am super excited to be teaching a graduate seminar on Electronic Literature this Spring semester. My course: “Electronic Literature: Hispanic Influences and Digital Theories” will examine relevant theoretical paradigms, digital narratives and other manifestations of electronic literature in Spanish and English, both as a particular type of born-digital expression meant to live in a computer, Spring Courses: E-Lit en español