Electronic Literature

Voces del extremo y la #selfiepoetry

La semana que viene voy a dar un par de recitales de poesía (aunque hablar de recitales suena raro, porque yo no recito y la #selfiepoetry no se deja recitar) como parte de las jornadas Voces del extremo, que este año se llevan a cabo en Extremadura (qué más extremo que la sierra extremeña, por otro lado). Voces del extremo y la #selfiepoetry

#SELFIEPOETRY: 24_7 on Show at Print Screen Festival

My NewHive poem, 24_7, part of my ongoing, tongue-in-cheek series “WOMEN & CAPITALISM,” will be exhibited at Israel’s International Digital Arts and Culture Festival, Print Screen, this June 2016. This e-poem is an exploration on the relationship between the body, as a biological entity increasingly depleted of its subjectivity, and its entanglement in the current #SELFIEPOETRY: 24_7 on Show at Print Screen Festival

End of the Semester

This semester I taught two wonderful classes that are now officially over. A graduate class on the culture of the Spanish Transition to democracy, where we had the opportunity of screening some of my favorite movies such as Zulueta’s Arrebato or López Cuerda’s Amanece que no es poco, as well as reading some beautiful novels End of the Semester


I am thrilled to share that my first set of #SELFIEPOETRY poems, part of my “Fake Art Histories and the Inscription of the Digital Self” e-lit project, will be on display at CODE/SWITCH, a multimedia art exhibition at Woman Made Gallery in Chicago, from May 27 to July 28, 2016. As described by the WMG #SELFIEPOETRY on Show at CODE/SWITCH

E-lit at the DH Faire 2016

Last Wednesday I was happy to participate at the 3rd Digital Humanities Faire at Berkeley–and I am even happier to report that the Faire was a total success! Thanks to the Berkeley DH team for making this happen! (yay, Camille and Scott!) Together with the talented Steph Lie, I talked about the making of No E-lit at the DH Faire 2016

Questions? Talk to Our Docent

Almost three weeks have passed since the opening of No Legacy || Literatura Electrónica, and while we wait for the second phase to be in place (we are working on having a website component that will expand the visitor’s experience via QR codes, by offering further curatorial and catalogue information), I am happy to announce Questions? Talk to Our Docent

We Are Open! No Legacy || Literatura Electrónica

Last Friday we opened No Legacy || Literatura Electrónica (NL||LE), an exhibit curated by me and Élika Ortega now on display at the Bernice Layne Brown Gallery in Doe Library (right in the center of the University of California, Berkeley).

Alternativas a la (ciencia) ficción en España ||Alternative (Science) Fictions

[ES] Tengo el gusto de compartir con vosotros un artículo que acabo de publicar en un especial sobre literatura electrónica en español en Letras Hispanas, “Paperless Text: Digital Storytelling in Latin America and Spain (1976-2016)”, bajo la edición de Osvlado Cleger y Phillip Penix-Tadsen. Mi texto, “Alternativas a la (ciencia) ficción en España: dos ejemplos Alternativas a la (ciencia) ficción en España ||Alternative (Science) Fictions

No Legacy || Opening Symposium

To celebrate the opening of the e-lit exhibit No Legacy || Literatura electrónica at UC Berkeley’s Doe Library, please join us in two round tables discussing critical approaches to electronic literature (at the Berkeley Institute for Data Science). In the afternoon, at 5:30 (at the Morrison Library), we’ll have an artist spotlight where two digital No Legacy || Opening Symposium

Atrápala si puedes

Es difícil capturar el momento de lectura, ¿cuándo ocurre? Ahora, ahora mientras lees. Leer siempre es una performance y siempre ocurre en este mismo momento, aunque las ruinas del evento permanezcan como letras en la página tiempo después. Con la literatura electrónica, no obstante, la ruina se desvanece. O más bien, muta, se transcodifica, cambia Atrápala si puedes