Fall 18 is here: This is what I am teaching right now
Three weeks into the semester already! I guess time flies when you are having fun! And it has been fun! This Fall I am teaching two courses, variations on cours...
Three weeks into the semester already! I guess time flies when you are having fun! And it has been fun! This Fall I am teaching two courses, variations on cours...
[I need to turn in my stuff for my tenure case next week (!!), so here I am procrastinating by writing a blog post about a cool e-lit project I am involved with...
As part of a Peder Sather Center for Advanced Study grant that my colleague Scott Rettberg and I got, we’ll be convening a workshop this April on the fabu...
Aparece en el número especial “La presencia de los ausentes” (editado por Heriberto Martínez Yépez y Mario Javier Bogarín Quintana) de la Revista de...
Aparece hoy en El País un artículo que se pregunta si el próximo Shakespeare será un robot y se repiten el mismo debate (inútil) y los mismos miedos ante la sup...
I am thrilled to share with you two fantastic news in the area of electronic literature and digital humanities. First, my article “Teaching Electronic Lit...
I am still not sure when I’ll return to the States (I am finishing off my sabbatical year here in Spain, and working around my new maternity duties) so I ...
[EN] I am thrilled to announce that (a mini version) of No Legacy || Literatura electrónica is going to open at the California College of the Arts in San Franci...
El próximo 31 de enero iré a la Universidad de Valencia a participar en el seminario Noves Pràctiques Poètiques? que organiza el agitador social, profesor y poe...
En las últimas semanas he tenido la gran suerte de dar dos charlas que abarcan mis dos temas favoritos. Primero, tuve la oportunidad de retomar mi amor mutante,...