Electronic Literature

More shows, more talks, and a wonderful undergrad class to end the last semester of the end of the world

With what I hope is the-last-semester-of-remote-teaching coming to an end, I’ve finally found a little time to share some highlights of the past few months. First and foremost, I have really enjoyed teaching an undergraduate course on the Long Spanish Transition to Democracy where we explored how Spanish sensibilities and citizens’ sense of politics have More shows, more talks, and a wonderful undergrad class to end the last semester of the end of the world

Another show, more publications, a fabulous grad class, and the eternal sunshine of the COVID-19 pandemic

Fall is way on its way and I have [as always] been falling behind on sharing good news. Here’s a few lovely things that happened this semester: I published a new poem “Made to Disappear” in the German-Austrian magazine Perspektive, part of a special issue on the digital avant-garde curated by Sylvia Egger. This is Another show, more publications, a fabulous grad class, and the eternal sunshine of the COVID-19 pandemic

Hola ELO! I’m now a director!

part of the Board of Directors of the Electronic Literature Organization!!! With all the madness around the world, this sort of slipped through, but I thought it would be good to keep some sort of published record of this piece of good news during these trying times (future readers of the future: I am talking Hola ELO! I’m now a director!

Poetry and The Senses Fellowship

I might still not quite believe it but I am a 2020 Poetry Fellow at the Arts Research Center. This fellowship will allow me to work with a group of fantastically talented and interesting Bay Area poets around the main theme of “emergency”. While this is a broad topic, our main goal will be to Poetry and The Senses Fellowship

Escribir es escribir como si pensáramos en presente

Estoy muy feliz de compartir mi ensayo “As We May Think/Escribir es escribir como si pensáramos en presente” que ha salido en Fobias – Fonias – Fagias. Escritas Experimentais e Eletrónicas Ibero-Afro-Latinoamericanas, un libro hermosísimo editado por Claudia Kozak y Rui Torres, publicado en la serie Cibertextualidades de la Universidade Fernando Pessoa. El volumen completo, Escribir es escribir como si pensáramos en presente

Summer News, What’s New?

Although I am currently in Madrid taking a little breather, this summer has not been without excitement! Let’s catch up a little: The month of May ended with my participation in Mexico City’s Festival El Aleph where I showed my piece, “Perspectiva_el Aleph”, part of a collaborative multimedia performance, “El texto infinito,” designed together with Summer News, What’s New?

Chica-go! Jan 2019: DH and #YouTubers

Go, go, go, Chica-go! 2019 started with a quick but adventure-packed trip to Chicago to perform at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (Jan 4), as well as participate in a roundtable discussion at MLA (Jan 5), and have the most decadent vegan feast at Matthew Kenny’s Althea (to celebrate my birthday in Chica-go! Jan 2019: DH and #YouTubers

Creatividad computacional

**Update** **original post below** El semestre corre comounreguerodepólvora y jamás encuentro tiempo para actualizar este blog, pero aquí va un poco de promo para la semana que viene: El martes 23 de octubre y el miércoles 24 estaré en Ciudad de México participando en el 13er Coloquio Internacional en Creatividad Computacional que organizan los amigos Creatividad computacional