Digital Humanities

¿Por qué debemos pensar las Humanidades Digitales desde la Literatura Electrónica?

Como ya viene siendo habitual este semestre, copio aquí la entrada que colgué esta semana para el blog de la asignatura, Electronic Literatures: Hispanic Influences, que estoy impartiendo en UC Berkeley. Hoy he propuesto en clase que pensáramos sobre la relación entre la literatura electrónica y las humanidades digitales pues, aunque para algunos esto parezca ¿Por qué debemos pensar las Humanidades Digitales desde la Literatura Electrónica?

Spring Courses: E-Lit en español

I am super excited to be teaching a graduate seminar on Electronic Literature this Spring semester. My course: “Electronic Literature: Hispanic Influences and Digital Theories” will examine relevant theoretical paradigms, digital narratives and other manifestations of electronic literature in Spanish and English, both as a particular type of born-digital expression meant to live in a computer, Spring Courses: E-Lit en español

Let Me Edutain You

When I was a graduate student at UC Riverside, I took a class with James Tobias where, among other things, we played video games. We also read and wrote about games and gaming. The reading part has always been sort of a game to me, anyways. The writing part: definitely a game. Here’s how we Let Me Edutain You