Creative Work

Voces del extremo y la #selfiepoetry

La semana que viene voy a dar un par de recitales de poesía (aunque hablar de recitales suena raro, porque yo no recito y la #selfiepoetry no se deja recitar) como parte de las jornadas Voces del extremo, que este año se llevan a cabo en Extremadura (qué más extremo que la sierra extremeña, por otro lado). Voces del extremo y la #selfiepoetry

#SELFIEPOETRY: 24_7 on Show at Print Screen Festival

My NewHive poem, 24_7, part of my ongoing, tongue-in-cheek series “WOMEN & CAPITALISM,” will be exhibited at Israel’s International Digital Arts and Culture Festival, Print Screen, this June 2016. This e-poem is an exploration on the relationship between the body, as a biological entity increasingly depleted of its subjectivity, and its entanglement in the current #SELFIEPOETRY: 24_7 on Show at Print Screen Festival


I am thrilled to share that my first set of #SELFIEPOETRY poems, part of my “Fake Art Histories and the Inscription of the Digital Self” e-lit project, will be on display at CODE/SWITCH, a multimedia art exhibition at Woman Made Gallery in Chicago, from May 27 to July 28, 2016. As described by the WMG #SELFIEPOETRY on Show at CODE/SWITCH


**please view and listen to poems through a desktop computer, they won’t work on mobile devices** “#SELFIEPOETRY: Fake Art Histories & the Inscription of the Digital Self” is an on going series of e-poems that I’ve recently started to write (although write might not be the right word to use), using the online platform NewHive–which #SELFIEPOETRY

New Maps of Hell

I’ve been walking by the same light blue house for the past year and a half. When it went for sale about three months ago, I stopped to read the sign next to it: three bedrooms, two bathrooms, back yard. It was also Philip K. Dick’s childhood house. Fancy that. There was a big tree New Maps of Hell

The New Sentence

  Pretty words I found reading Ron Silliman. Some of them, he meant to write but didn’t get to. hallucinated dreamlike interwoven emphasis closure rhythm absence shaping syllogistic move deduce   huracán   emotional   The sentence is the horizon,   border torque polysemy   silencio líquido A.

Carmen’s Interlocutor, my drawer

Carmen Martín Gaite said that her need for writing came from her constant and failed search for the perfect interlocutor and insisted upon the fact that people wouldn’t need to write if they had someone who would listen. She was so obsessed about this some critics considered her work mono-thematic, saying that frustrated search was Carmen’s Interlocutor, my drawer