Creative Work

More Internet Tours and More AI

I just wrapped up two new Internet Tours conceived together with Mario Santamaría. Like last year, we took some tourists around the San Francisco Bay Area on a journey to the hidden places through which our images, voices, cryptocurrencies and future intelligence circulate (more info on this and last year’s Internet Tour here). I love More Internet Tours and More AI

Internet Tour

Together with Mario Santamaría, I took folks in a bus around the San Francisco Bay Area to look at data centers. Following Mario’s project, we called this “Internet Tour: Invisible Infrastructures and AI Hallucinations“: Like any other digital technology, or the Internet itself, the current explosion of AI research and applications relies on their conceptualization Internet Tour

COVID E-LIT, a new documentary

Remember those early days back in the Spring of 2020 when the world stopped? When we were paralyzed by fear and policy? A new documentary, COVID E-LIT: Digital Art During the Pandemic, produced by Anna Nacher, Søren Bro Pold, Scott Rettberg and Ashleigh Steele,   follows sixteen digital artists’ experiences of the early COVID-19 pandemic COVID E-LIT, a new documentary

More shows, more talks, and a wonderful undergrad class to end the last semester of the end of the world

With what I hope is the-last-semester-of-remote-teaching coming to an end, I’ve finally found a little time to share some highlights of the past few months. First and foremost, I have really enjoyed teaching an undergraduate course on the Long Spanish Transition to Democracy where we explored how Spanish sensibilities and citizens’ sense of politics have More shows, more talks, and a wonderful undergrad class to end the last semester of the end of the world

Another show, more publications, a fabulous grad class, and the eternal sunshine of the COVID-19 pandemic

Fall is way on its way and I have [as always] been falling behind on sharing good news. Here’s a few lovely things that happened this semester: I published a new poem “Made to Disappear” in the German-Austrian magazine Perspektive, part of a special issue on the digital avant-garde curated by Sylvia Egger. This is Another show, more publications, a fabulous grad class, and the eternal sunshine of the COVID-19 pandemic

From my room to yours

The generous and inspirational folks from Poetry and the Senses at the Arts Research Center invited me to read a poem: Many thanks! and I hope you enjoy it–we all need a little poetry these days. AlexOX

Sore Thumbs

**I originally published this elsewhere for the Arts Research Center** I haven’t read a book in weeks. I spend all my reading hours glued to my phone. By the time I am done scrolling words, I feel motion sickness. My right thumb is sort of numb too. When I was a teenager I would go Sore Thumbs

Poetry and The Senses Fellowship

I might still not quite believe it but I am a 2020 Poetry Fellow at the Arts Research Center. This fellowship will allow me to work with a group of fantastically talented and interesting Bay Area poets around the main theme of “emergency”. While this is a broad topic, our main goal will be to Poetry and The Senses Fellowship