C. V





Associate Professor of Contemporary Spanish Literature and New Media

Department of Spanish and Portuguese

Berkeley Center for New Media

University of California, Berkeley






  • Ph.D. University of California, Riverside
    • Hispanic Studies, 2012.  Specialization: Spanish Peninsular Literature, 19th to 21st Centuries
    • Dissertation: Mutatis Mutandi:Spanish Literature of the New 21st Century, directed by Distinguished Professor David Herzberger
  • M.A.  University of Delaware, Newark
    • Foreign Languages and Pedagogy (Spanish): Linguistics, Literature and Culture of the Spanish World (2009)
  • B.A. University of Granada, Granada. Spain
    • Interpreting and Translation (English, French, Spanish) (2007)
  • Diploma. University of Northumbria at Newcastle, Newcastle Upon Tyne. United Kingdom
    • Modern Languages (English, Spanish, French) (2005)





19th-21st Century Spanish Literature and Culture

Digital Humanities

Latin American Digital Art and Literature

Transatlantic Studies

Ecological Studies





  • University of California, Berkeley
    • Associate Professor. Department of Spanish and Portuguese. 2019- Present
    • Assistant Professor. Department of Spanish and Portuguese. 2012-2019
  • University of California, Riverside
    • Graduate Associate Instructor. Department of Hispanic Studies. 2010- 2012
  • University of Delaware, Newark
    • Graduate Associate Instructor. Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures. 2007- 2009






#Postweb! Crear con la máquina y en la red. Madrid: Iberoamericana-Vervuert, 2018

This book (#Postweb! Writing With Networked Machines) explores the role of digital technologies in recent literary experimentation in Spain throughout the last two decades. I look at print books where their digital conception has left a traceable, literary, mark (recent novels and poetry by Vicente Luis Mora, Jorge Carrión, Agustín Fernández Mallo, Robert Juan Cantavella and Javier Fernández), as well as born-digital objects living online (Belén Gache’s digital poetry, blog novels, and performances and Doménico Chiappe’s hypertextual novels). Digital media is no longer seen as novelty, but as a sign of our present time, changing the way writers relate to the past, history, and their record. In the Spanish case, digital experimentation with literary forms (and other forms of memory) is conceptualized as a rejection of the prevalent literary canon, in decay since the financial and institutional crisis of 2008.


*Futuros: imaginarios, redes y prácticas digitales en la cultura española. Un catálogo de posibles. Alex Saum-Pascual and Álvaro Llosa Sanz Eds. Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies. 24.1 (2023)

*Electronic Literature [Frame]works for the Creative Digital Humanities. Alex Saum-Pascual and Scott Rettberg Eds. Electronic Book Review. August 2020-December 2020


“Futuros: imaginarios, redes y prácticas digitales en la cultura española. Un catálogo de posibles.” Alex Saum-Pascual and Álvaro Llosa Sanz Eds. Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies.  24.1 (2023): 1-8.

“Literatura digital para el fin del mundo: ecología y algoritmos en el Capitaloceno” Diálogos Latinoamericanos, 31 (2022): 93–109.

“Memory Traces: Printed Electronic Literature as a Site of Remembrance.” Comparative Literature Studies, 57.1 (2020): 69-94

“Digital Creativity as Critical Material Thinking: The Disruptive Potential of Electronic Literature.” Electronic Book Review. August 2020. Web.

“Introduction: Electronic Literature as a Framework for the Digital Humanities.” Electronic Book Review. August 2020. Co-authored with Scott Rettberg. Web.

“Is Third Generation Literature Postweb Literature? And Why Should We Care?” Electronic Book Review. May 2020. Web.

“Fragmentation and the Digital City: An Analysis of Vicente Luis Mora’s Circular 07. Las afueras.Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, 53.2 (2019): 605-632

“Teaching Electronic Literature as Digital Humanities.” Digital Humanities Quarterly, 11.3 (2017): 1-14

“Alternativas a la (ciencia) ficción en España: Dos ejemplos de literatura electrónica en formato impreso.” Letras Hispanas, 11 (2015): 239-259

“Carmen Martín Gaite: Una provocación desde la cultura digital.” Hispania, 98.4 (2015): 674-675

“Literatura española post-web: Al borde de lo virtual, lo material y la historia. El caso de Jordi Carrión.” Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies, 18 (2014): 115-133

“La poética de la Nocilla: Transmedia Poetics in Agustín Fernández Mallo’s Complete Works.” Caracteres. Estudios culturales y críticos de la esfera digital, 3.1 (2014): 81-99

Desalmados. Hipertextos y biopolítica en el mundo de la webserie española.” Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, 13.1 (2012): 19-38. Co-authored with Freya Schiwy

“Él, ella y él: Análisis de la inversión de los roles masculino y femenino en ‘Las caras de la medalla’ y ‘Ciao, Verona’ de Julio Cortázar.” Espéculo. Revista de estudios literarios, 40        (November, 2008): 1-18


“El ensayo material: Sobre la práctica de una escritura digital [femenina].” Voces encendidas: mujeres, arte y tecnología. María Goicoechea de Jorge and Laura Sánchez Gómez Eds.Madrid: Editorial CSIC, 2023. 209-230

“Corporal y corporativa: sobre Corporate Poetry de Alex Saum.” Ciberfeminismos, tecnotextualidades y transgéneros. Literatura digital en español escrita por mujeres. Isabel Navas Ocaña y Dolores Romero López Eds. Madrid: Universidad Complutense de Madrid UP, 2023. 219-241

“Materialidad digital, algoritmos y otras abstracciones modernas.” Escrituras hispánicas desde el exocanon. Daniel Escandell Ed. Madrid: Iberoamericana-Vervuert, 2022. 23-35.

“On Bodies, Surveys, Virus and Rooms. Enter Corporate Poetry.” Texts of Discomfort: Interactive Storytelling Art. Jim Pope and María Reyes Eds. Carnegie Mellon ETC Press, 2021. 250-281.

“Toys and Toons: From Hispanic Literary Traditions to a Global E-Lit Landscape.” Electronic Literature as Digital Humanities: Contexts, Forms, and Practices. Dene Grigar and James O’Sullivan Eds. Bloomsbury, 2021. 43-53

“As We May Think/ Escribir es escribir como si escribiéramos en presente” in Fobias – Fonias – Fagias. Escritas Experimentais e Eletrónicas Ibero-Afro-Latinoamericanas. Claudia Kozak and Rui Torres Eds. [Coleçao Cibertextualidades]. Porto: Publicaçoes Universidade Fernando Pessoa, 2019.

“Por qué Dolerse. La relevancia de un texto híbrido.” Dolerse, textos desde un país herido/ Condolerse. By Cristina Rivera Garza. México DF: Sur+ Ediciones, 2015


“Definition” Amaranth Borsuk, Ed. Short definition. The Book: 101 Definitions. Montreal:Anteism, 2021. p81

“What Is a Book? 101 Responses” Amaranth Borsuk, Ed. Short definition in American Book Review 41 (July/August 2020): 4-26

“Sore Thumbs,” invited blog post Arts Research Center. (April 14, 2020). Web. 

“Una literatura desbordada: libros de escritoras publicados solo en formato digital” Lista Arcadia 2019. Revista Arcadia: Periodismo cultural narrativo. December 18, 2019. Web.

“¿Qué es ciberpoesía?” Poesía en red y ciberpoesía. Campos Fernández-Fígares, Mar and Escandell Montiel, Daniel. Eds. Alicante: Fundación Cultural Miguel Hernández, 2019. Video-essay. Web.

“Material y sustancia.” Introduction. Fricciones. By Maricela Guerrero. México DF: Centro de Cultura Digital, Secretaría de Cultura, 2016. Web.

“El robot que escribía cartas de amor.” Matador. Revista de Cultura, Ideas y Tendencias 1995-2022 (S-Futuro, 2016): 130

“Ejemplo de cambio de paradigma estético contemporáneo.” Crónica de viaje (Remake). By Jorge Carrión.Badajoz: Aristas Martínez, 2014


Nuevas poéticas y redes sociales: joven poesía española en la era digital. Review by Alex Saum-Pascual.” Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies. 22.4 (2021)

“A review of Emblem/as, a work of electronic literature exploring personal and geographic cartography, created by Tina Escaja.” Reviews in the Digital Humanities, 2.6 (2021)

Cultures of Anyone: Studies on Cultural Democratization in the Spanish Neoliberal Crisis by Luis Moreno-Caballud. Review by Alex Saum-Pascual.” Revista Hispánica Moderna, 72.1 (2019): 122-25

Narrativas mutantes: Anomalía viral en los genes de la ficción. Mihai Iacob y Adolfo R. Posada (eds.).” Revista Caracteres, 4.2 (2018): 163-168

“‘Cuando cualquiera escribe. Procesos democratizadores de la cultura escrita en la crisis de la Cultura de la Transición española,’ por Luis Moreno-Caballud.” Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, 15.1-2 (2014): 37-38

“Dorwick, Thalia, Ana María Pérez Gironés, Marty Knorre, William R. Glass and Hildebrando Villarreal. ¿Qué tal?: An Introductory Course.NECTFL REVIEW. 63 (2008-2009): 117-120





“Internet Tour: Invisible Infrastructures and AI Hallucinations,” with Mario Santamaría, part of More than Meets AI, exhibit on display at the Worth Ryder Gallery, Oct 2-15, 2023. Berkeley, CA. Invited.

“Ashes to Ashes #YOLO” and “Room #3”, on display at Caracteres, exhibition at the Cervantes Institute, New York City, NY. April 21- May 12, 2023. Invited.

“The Offline Website Project,” anthologized in Electronic Literature Collection. Vol. 4. June 2022. Juried.

“Potential Ideas and Other Things that Live in your Gut”on display at Refamiliarization, Platform Art Space. Berkeley, CA. Sept 29-Oct 1, 2021. Juried.

“Room #3” on display at Covid/E-Lit, Aarhus University/ University of Bergen. Electronic Literature Organization 2021 Exhibitions. May 2021. Online. Juried.

“Red Emoji Heart (2016)” on display at Unbounded Unleashed Unforgiving: Reconsidering Cyberfeminism in 2021, New Art City and College Art Association. Feb 10-May 10, 2021. Online. Juried.

“Corporate Poetry” on display at Texts of Discomfort, ICIDS 2020 exhibition, Bournemouth, UK. 3-6 Nov 2020. Online. Juried.

“beauty routine, from The Offline Website Project” on display at (un)continuity, UCF Art Gallery, Orlando, Florida. Jul 13-20, 2020 *online exhibit in response to COVID-19*. Juried.

“beauty routine, from The Offline Website Project” on display at The Wrong Biennale (https://thewrong.org/). Broken English’s Todo mal pavilion. Nov 1, 2019 – March 1, 2020. Online. Juried.

“beauty routine, from The Offline Website Project,” on display at Hyperobjects. Worth Ryder Gallery, Berkeley. Oct. 16-Nov. 7, 2019. Commissioned.

“#SELFIEPOETRY: Fake Art Histories and the Inscription of the Digital Self,” on display at Code/Switch, Woman Made Gallery, Chicago. May 27-July 28, 2016. Juried.





“Terms of Service: Untitled (rock) form 3,” ASAP/REVIEW. GeoSemantics Cluster II. Nov 11, 2024.

“Privacy Policy: Untitled (atom) form 2,” Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies.  24.1 (2023)

“Report Abuse: Untitled (tree) form” and “b&w screenshot” in Emerge/ncy: 2020 Poetry & The Senses Fellows. Berkeley: Arts Research Center, 2021. 62-69

Potential Ideas and Other Things that Live in your Gut. Hyperrhiz: New Media Cultures, no. 24, 2021. Web.

“Made to Disappear,” ABC-Avantgarde-Boot-Camp. Special Issue on the Avant-Garde, Perspektive, 102/103 (August 2020): 96-99

“Room #1 and Room #2,” The New River, Spring Issue, 2020. Web.





Ocean Internet Tour. Performance at the University Museum of Bergen. Oct 17, 2024. Bergen, Norway

San Francisco Bay Area Internet Tour. In-person tour through Berkeley, Emeryville and Oakland. With Mario Santamaría. Oct 12, 2024. California.

Internet Tour: Invisible Infrastructures and AI Hallucinations. In-person tour through Berkeley, Emeryville and Oakland. With Mario Santamaría. Oct 12, 2023. California.

“Flash Poetry Reading.” Chicago Graduate Conference. Chicago, online. April 19, 2023.

Poesía corporativa, online performance at Viral Imagina, May. 17, 2020. Invited. Online.

The Offline Website Project (TOWP) reading at Escape Keys. UC Santa Barbara, Oct. 17, 2019. Invited.

“Perspectiva_el Aleph_El texto infinito”, with Jonathan Basile and Edmar Soria, Festival Internacional El Aleph, Mexico City, May 24, 2019. Commissioned.

“As We May Think #YouTubers,” performance at Natural Language. School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Jan. 4, 2019. Juried.

#SELFIEPOETRYagain, performance at Electronic Literature Organization Festival, Montreal, Canada, Aug. 9-11, 2018. Juried.

#SELFIEPOETRY & YOUTUBERS, reading at the University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, May 2, 2018. Invited

#SELFIEPOETRYjust4u, reading at Neural Nets: Readings on Electronic Literature. Worth Ryder Gallery, Berkeley, April 5, 2018. Invited.

#SELFIEPOETRY: Yo y la Red, reading at Voces del Extremo: Pachamama. Moguer, Spain, July 29, 2017. Invited.  

#SELFIEPOETRY, reading at Noves Práctiques Poétiques? University of Valencia, Spain, Jan. 31, 2017. Invited.

#SELFIEPOETRY, reading at Voces del Extremo, poetry festival. El Torno, Spain, Nov. 4, 2016. Invited.

#SELFIEPOETRY, reading and artist talk, Polipoesía en tiempos revueltos, Plasencia, Spain, Nov. 3, 2016. Invited.





Co-curator with Eamon O’Kane, Jill Miller, Scott Rettberg and Jhave Johnston. Digital literature exhibit, More than Meets AI. Kunstgarasjen (September 20-October 20), Center for Digital Narrative, UiB (October 1-October 25), Joy Forum, KMD, UiB (October 7-October 24), USF Verftet, presented in collaboration with the Bergen International Film Festival (October 16-October 24), Rom 61, KMD, UiB (October 15-October 24), 2024

Co-curator with Rui Torres, Manuel Portela and Daniela Maduro. Digital literature exhibit at the Electronic Literature Organization Media Arts Festival 2023, Arborescent || Resistance, Convento Sao Francisco, Coimbra, Portugal, July 12-15, 2023

Co-curator with Gustavo Romano and others. Dgital literature database and research network, Puerto 80 Lab. Ongoing digital project, since 2019.

Lead curator of electronic literature exhibit at the California College of the Arts, No Legacy || Literatura electrónica,CCA Main Library, California College of the Arts, San Francisco, Feb-May 2017

Lead curator and project coordinator of electronic literature exhibit at UC Berkeley, No Legacy || Literatura electrónica, Brown Gallery, Doe Library, Berkeley, Mar-Sept 2016. Co-curated with Élika Ortega.





“Language, Literatures and Cultures in the Age of IA.” Roundtable. Language and IA conference 2025. UC Berkeley, Berkeley, February 7, 2025

“Forms. Interface Conversations.” AI and Narrative. University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway. Oct 17, 2024. Invited workshop talk.

“Elemental Forms/Formal Elements: A Poetry Reading by Alex Saum.” Elements Symposium. UC Berkeley. Berkeley, CA. March 1, 2024. Artist talk.

Artist talk. Master in Literary Creation. Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona School of Managment, Barcelona. February 6, 2024. Invited artist talk.

“Mercedes Bunz and Joan Fontcuberta: A Cultural Revolution.” The Other AI Revolutions. CCCB. Barcelona. February 7, 2024. Debate moderation.

“Trees and Codes,” MLA Annual Conference, Philadelphia. January 7, 2024. Conference talk.

“Imagining Alternative Futures,” MLA Annual Conference, Philadelphia. January 6, 2024. Roundtable discussion.

“L&S in the Age of AI: Research Innovation Across Disciplines,” UC Berkeley, Berkeley. October 19, 2023. Invited Roundtable. Donor’s Event.

“Maps of the Digital Fiefdom”. Chicago Graduate Conference. Chicago, online. April 19, 2023. Keynote address.

“Literatura algorítmica en un mundo material en colapso.” III Congreso Internacional en los márgenes de la literatura. Universidad de Salamanca. Salamanca, Spain. Oct 20, 2022. Conference talk.

“Digital Literary Arts and the Web of Life: A Pedagogical and Research Proposal.” Electronic Literature Organization Annual Conference. Como, Italy. May 30, 2022. Conference talk. Online.

“Virginia Tech’s The New River: A Journal of Digital Art & Literature. Electronic Literature Panel.” Virginia Tech, April 29, 2022. Invited artist talk. Online.

“Literatura digital para el fin del mundo.” Narrativas y curadurías digitales, Máster en Historia del Arte. Universidad de Málaga, Spain. Mar 3, 2022. Invited lecture. Online. 

“New Poetics.” Arts and Design Lecture Series. BAMPFA, Berkeley.Nov 18, 2021. Artist talk.

“How to Make Survey Poetry.” Digital Humanities Summer Institute 2021. Part of Digital Fictions: Electronic Literature, Literary Gaming. University of Victoria. June 7-11, 2021. Workshop. Online.

“About Red Emoji Heart.” Unbounded Unleashed Unforgiving: Reconsidering Cyberfeminism in 2021, New Art City and College Art Association. March 31, 2021. Artist talk. Online.

“Un análisis de Volver, de Pedro Almodóvar.” Webinario Internacional de Literatura y Cultura Hispana. Radley College, Oxford. Feb 3, 2021. Workshop. Online.

“Using Digital Tools in 20th and 21st Century Iberian Studies.” MLA Annual Conference. Jan 10, 2021. Conference talk. Online.

“’Making-as-Theory’ and the Teaching of Iberian Electronic Literature.” MLA Annual Conference. Jan 10, 2021. Round table. Online.

“Tiempo, espacio, en viraje: ¿documentar y archivar en la virtualidad pandémica?” Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos. Casa del Lago UNAM. Oct 16, 2020. Round table. Online.

“Algorithms, Poetry and Protest: The Politics of Making Things That Matter.” Escuela internacional de tecnología, sociedad y cultura. Explorando el futuro desde las humanidades digitales: I Culturas algorítmicas. Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo. Sept 17, 2020. Invited lecture. Online.

“Computers, Internet and Poetry: What is Electronic Literature?” University of the Pacific, Stockton. Feb 7, 2020. Invited lecture.

“Is Third Generation Literature Postweb Literature?” Electronic Literature Organization Annual Conference. Cork, Ireland. Jul 17, 2019. Conference talk.

“Digital Creativity as Critical Thinking: The Case of Electronic Literature,” 17th New Directions in the Humanities 2019, Universidad de Granada, Spain. Jul 4, 2019. Conference talk.

“Digital Literacy, Critical Creativity and the (Digital) Humanities: Why Should We Care about Electronic Literature?” New Approaches to Transmedia and Language Pedagogy International Conference, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK. Jun 28, 2019. Keynote address.

Net Narr. Kean University. March 19, 2019. Studio visit and artist talk.

“E-Lit as DH Critical Creativity: Una propuesta desde los estudios en español,” Digital Hispanisms, MLA Annual Conference. Jan 5, 2019. Chicago. Conference talk.

“Computación, electricidad, internet y poesía: Qué es la literatura electrónica,” 13r Coloquio Internacional de Creatividad Computacional. UAM Cuajimalpa, México City, México. Oct 23, 2018. Keynote address.

“Literatura electrónica casera: herramientas para desarrollar la creatividad computacional en nuestras prácticas diarias,” UAM Cuajimalpa, México City, México. 24 Oct, 2018. Artist workshop.

“The Infinite Question: Borges and E-Lit,” Electronic Literature Organization Annual Conference. Montreal, Canada. Aug 17, 2018. Conference talk.

“Electronic Literature (or the Other Way of Doing Digital Humanities),” Digital Humanities Summer Lecture Series, University of California, Berkeley.  Jun 21, 2018. Invited lecture.

“On Postweb and Other Digital Stories,” University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway. May 3, 2018.  Invited lecture.

“Electronic Literature in Spanish,” University of Bergen, Norway. May 2, 2018. Invited lecture.

“Reflexiones HD:DH Reflections. A roundtable on the Digital Humanities in Latin American Studies.” Stanford University, California. Jan. 12, 2018. Round table.

“Memory Traces: Printed E-Lit as a Site for Remembrance,” Electronic Literature Organization Annual Conference. Oporto, Portugal. Jul. 20, 2017. Conference talk.

“Exposé!! The Global Practice of Curating E-Lit Exhibits—A roundtable,” Electronic Literature Organization Annual Conference.Oporto, Portugal. Jul. 20, 2017. Conference talk.

“Ciberpoesía II,” International seminar Noves Práctiques Poétiques? University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain. Jan. 31, 2017. Keynote address.

“Nuevos modelos de relatos, narrativas digitales e interfaces,” The Digital Art History Summer School, University of Málaga, Spain. 4-9 September, 2016. Workshop.

“Hands-On Lecture: How to Create Digital Poetry,” Northeastern University, Boston. Nov. 13, 2016. Invited talk.

“Palabras, cables y museos. O cuando la literatura digital deja la pantalla,” IV Encuentro internacional de investigadores en Historia del Arte Digital. Colección del Museo Ruso, Malaga, Spain. Nov. 16, 2016. Keynote address.

“Entre la página y la pantalla. Literatura mutante en el medio digital,” Congreso internacional de ficción mutante. Alerta Mutante: Anomalía en los genes de la ficción. University of Bucharest, Bucharest. Nov. 26, 2016. Keynote address.

“Literature as Process: The Making of an Exhibition of Digital Literature.” Digital Humanities Faire 2016. University of California, Berkeley. Apr. 13, 2016. Keynote address.

“A Talk about #SELFIEPOETRY,” Arts and Research Center Seminar, University of California, Berkeley. April 1, 2016. Artist talk.

“Why Do They Call It DH When What They Mean Is E-Lit? Exploring creative making as critical thinking,” Digital Humanities Fellows Lecture Series.University of California, Berkeley. Apr. 1, 2016. Invited lecture.

“How Trans Is Electronic Literature?” No Legacy || Literatura electrónica. University of California, Berkeley. Mar. 11, 2016. Round table.

“Literatura electrónica hispana en Estados Unidos. Una propuesta docente,” Máquinas de inminencia. Centro Cultural Universitario, Mexico City, Mexico. Oct. 9, 2015. Invited lecture.

“If the Future is Digital, Why Print a Book,” Reading Wide, Writing Wide in the Digital Age. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.Oct. 22, 2015. Conference talk.

“Digital Traces in Contemporary (Spanish) Narrative,” Graduate Recruitment Day. University of California, Riverside. Feb. 26, 2015. Keynote address.

“Carmen Martín Gaite’s Digital Reconfigurations,” MLA Annual Conference.Vancouver, Canada. Jan 10, 2015. Conference talk.

“Legados iberoamericanos en la literatura electrónica: La influencia de la escritura experimental en España y América Latina,” Asociación Argentina de Humanidades Digitales. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Nov. 18, 2014. Conference talk.

“Dystopian Spain: Post-Electronic Writing in a Time of Crisis,” ACLA Annual Conference. New York. Mar 21, 2014. Conference talk.

“Print Alternatives: Hybrid Spanish Writing Today,” MLA Annual Conference. Chicago. Jan 10, 2014. Conference talk.

“Text Alternatives: Hybrid Literature in Spain,”PAMLA Annual Conference.San Diego. Nov 1, 2013. Conference talk.

“Three Post-Web Tales: Storytelling in 21st Century Spain,” 35th Annual Conference of the Association for Contemporary Iberian Studies. Lisbon, Portugal. Sept. 9-11, 2013. Conference talk.

“Soledad en la Red. Consideraciones espaciales e identitarias en la literatura mutante de la Generación Nocilla,” AATSP 95th Annual Conference. San Antonio.Jul 8-11, 2013. Conference talk.

 “Spanish Alternatives: Worldwide Hybrid Literature in Spain,” Comparative Iberian Studies Symposium, Santa Barbara. May. 16-17, 2013. Conference talk.

“Google-me. Auto-Search in Crónica de viaje by Jorge Carrión,” PAMLA Annual Conference. Seattle. Oct. 21, 2012. Conference talk.

“Rethinking the Margin; or, How to Build a City from a Metaphor in Vicente Luis Mora’s Circular 07: Las afueras,” MLA Annual Convention. Seattle. Jan 5, 2012. Conference talk.

“Revolución en la red. La precariedad como estética en la era de la información mediática en Desalmados: una serie de muerte,” Dialogando con la literatura: Convergencia mediática y su expresión escrita. UC Riverside, Riverside. Apr 16, 2011. Conference talk.

Nocilla Dream de Agustín Fernández Mallo: o cómo no perderse en el desierto de la Red,”(dis)junctions 2011: En Route to a Nueva Movida. UC Riverside, Riverside. Apr 1-2, 2011. Conference talk.





University of California, Berkeley

Associate Professor. Department of Spanish and Portuguese. 2019- Present

Assistant Professor. Department of Spanish and Portuguese. 2012-2019

University of California, Riverside

Graduate Associate Instructor. Department of Hispanic Studies. 2010- 2012

University of Delaware, Newark

Graduate Teaching Instructor. Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures. 2007- 2009

            Study Abroad Program: Granada (Summer 2009) Spanish 3





Townsend Associate Professor Fellowship 2023-24. Townsend Center, University of California, Berkeley (2023-2024) – Project: “Earthy Algorithms: A Materialist Approach to Capital, Climate and Digital Literature”

Co-P.I. Peder Sather Center for Advanced Study. University of California, Berkeley (2023-2025). Together with Scott Rettberg, University of Bergen  – Project: “Transformation & Disruption: Challenges and Opportunities of AI for Human Creativity”

P.I. Berkeley Center for New Media Seed Grant. Berkeley Center for New Media (2023) – Project: “Internet Tour: Invisible Infrastructures and AI Hallucinations”

Co-P.I. Class Fund Award: “Digital Literary Arts”. Berkeley Center for New Media (2021). Together with Élika Ortega, University of Colorado, Boulder – Project: “Digital Literary Arts”

P.I. Instructional Improvement Grant for Faculty and Lecturers. Arts and Humanities. College of Letters and Sciences. UC Berkeley (2020)

Member. Proyecto I+D+i 2019 [financing entity PID2019-104957GA-I00] “Exocanónicos: márgenes y descentramiento en la literatura en español del siglo XXI.” Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation [Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación]. Research Fellow, scientific committee member (2020-2023)

Poet. Poetry and the Senses. Arts Research Center. Berkeley. Poetry Fellow (2020) – Project: “Corporate Poetry”

Co-P.I. Peder Sather Center for Advanced Study. University of California, Berkeley (2017-2018). Together with Scott Rettberg, University of Bergen. Project: “Electronic Literature Frameworks for the Digital Humanities”

P.I. Humanities Research Fellowship. University of California, Berkeley (2016-2017) – Project: “Postweb: Writing with Machines”

P.I. Digital Humanities New Course Grant. Mellon Foundation Grant Award (2015-2016)

P.I. Hellman’s Fellows Fund. F. Warren Hellman Foundation (2015-2016) – Project: “Hispanic Legacies in Electronic Literature”

P.I. Townsend Center Conference Grant. University of California, Berkeley (2015)

P.I. Small Research Grant. Institute of European Studies, University of California, Berkeley (2015)

P.I. Digital Humanities Planning and Developing DHSI14 Award. University of California, Berkeley (2014-15)

P.I. Townsend Center Conference Grant. University of California, Berkeley (2014)

P.I. Instructional Improvement Grant. Center for Teaching and Learning, University of California, Berkeley (2014)

P.I. Faculty Research Grant. Committee on Research, University of California, Berkeley (2013)

P.I. Course Improvement Grant. Teaching Excellence Colloquium, College of Letters and Science, University of California, Berkeley (2013)

P.I. Graduate Division Fellowship. University of California, Riverside (2009-2010)

Awards for Excellence: Best Graduate Student Essay. Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Delaware (2009)

Award for Outstanding Teaching. University of Delaware (2009)

Commendation for Sterling Performance as a Classroom Teacher. University of Delaware (2009)





*University of California System Wide Service

Voting Member. University of California International Education Senate Committee, UC Berkeley System Wide Representative. (2021-2023)

*UC Berkeley Senate and Campus Service

Academic Advisory Committee on Social and Ethical Implications of Computing and Data Science, University of California, Berkeley (2023-Present)

Vice Chair. Undergraduate Council, University of California, Berkeley. (2022-Present)

Voting Member. Undergraduate Council, University of California, Berkeley. (2020-2022)

Board Member. Poetry and the Senses. Arts Research Center, Berkeley. (2021-2024)

Voting Member. Committee on Research, Teaching and Learning Technologies, University of California, Berkeley. (2015-2019)

Faculty Jury Member. Student Conduct Committee, Student Services, University of California, Berkeley (2012-2018)

Faculty Jury Member. Sexual Conduct Committee, Student Services, University of California, Berkeley (2012-2018)

Member. Planning Committee, Next Generation Humanities at Berkeley, NEH Grant. (2016-2017)

*Berkeley Center for New Media Service

Voting Member. Executive Committee of the Berkeley Center for New Media, University of California, Berkeley. (2014-Present)

Head Graduate Advisor. Committee of the Berkeley Center for New Media, University of California, Berkeley. (2022-Present)

Equity Advisor. Committee of the Berkeley Center for New Media, University of California, Berkeley. (2022-Present)

*Spanish and Portuguese Department Service

Head Graduate Advisor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of California, Berkeley. (Fall 2023)

Equity and Diversity Advisor. Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of California, Berkeley (2015-2016) (2022-2023)

Chair. Climate Council. Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of California, Berkeley (2022-Present)

Member. Climate Council. Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of California, Berkeley (2021-2022)

Faculty Director. Spanish 25: Introduction to Literature Program, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of California, Berkeley (2018-2020) (2021-2023)

Member. Graduate Student Professional Placement Committee, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of California, Berkeley. (2012-2016) (2020-2022)

Undergraduate Minor Faculty Advisor. Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of California, Berkeley (2018-2019)

Member. Master’s Exam Evaluation Committee. Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of California, Berkeley (2019-2021)

Member. Graduate Admissions Committee, Spanish and Portuguese, University of California, Berkeley. (2015-2016) (2017-2018)

Member. Graduate Fellowships Committee, Spanish and Portuguese, University of California, Berkeley. (2015-2016) (2017-2018)

Faculty Member. Committee for Evaluation of Continuous Lectureship Positions, University of California, Berkeley. (2015-2016)

Head Undergraduate Faculty Advisor. Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of California, Berkeley (2012-2015)

Faculty Member. Spanish Lecture Pool, Search Committee, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of California, Berkeley. (2012, 2014)

*Science Technology and Society

Member. Augmented Graduate Group


Director. Board of Directors. Electronic Literature Organization (2020-present)

Series editor, “Electronic Literature” at Bloomsbury Academic Press

*Conference, Workshop and Panel Organization

Co-Chair. ELO’s Conference and Media Arts Show “Overcoming Divides: Electronic Literature and Social Change”. 12-15 Jul. 2023. Coimbra, Portugal

Organizer of panel “Decolonizing Electronic Literature.” ELO sponsored panel. MLA Annual Conference. 9 Jan. 2022. Remote

Organizer and Presider of panel “Languages of the Literary Internet.” ELO sponsored panel. MLA Annual Conference. 8 Jan. 2022. Remote

Member of Scientific committee. V Congreso de la Sociedad Internacional de Humanidades Digitales Hispánicas (HDH 2021). 4-10 Oct, 2021. Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Co-Organizer of Electronic Literature as a Framework for the Digital Humanities-Second Workshop, a two-day writing workshop funded by the Digital Humanities Program at UC Santa Barbara, Oct. 17-18, 2019 University of California, Santa Barbara

Member of Scientific committee. Sentient States: Bio-mind and Techno-nature, CITAR-Research Center for Science and Technology of the Arts, Jun. 6th-8th, 2019, University of Oporto, Portugal

Organizer of Panel “Generational Shifts and Critical Peripheries: Electronic Literature’s Social Function,” Electronic Literature Organization Annual Conference, Jul. 17, 2019, Montreal, Canada

Organizer of Electronic Literature as a Framework for the Digital Humanities, a two-day writing workshop funded by the Peder Sather Center for Advanced Study, Apr 5-6, University of California, Berkeley

Chair Coordinator. Electronic Literature Organization Annual Conference 2016, Jun. 10-13, 2016, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada

Member of Scientific Committee. III Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Humanidades Digitales Hispánicas, Oct. 5-7. 2017, Universidad de Málaga, Malaga, Spain

Member of Scientific Committee. II Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Humanidades Digitales Hispánicas, Oct. 5-7, 2015, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid, Spain

Standing Officer. Spanish and Portuguese (Peninsular), PAMLA 2014

Organizer of Shattering Iberia: Cultural Responses to an Ongoing Crisis, an international conference co-organized with the Camoes Institute. Mar. 5, 2014, UC Berkeley

Chair and organizer of Special Session “Digital Vanguards in Spanish Literature,” MLA Annual Conference. Jan. 10, 2014. Chicago, IL

Chair and organizer of Special Session “Children of the Spanish Transition.” PAMLA Annual Conference. Nov. 1, 2013. San Diego, CA

Chair and organizer of Special Session “The Changing Face of Marginalization: Creating Spaces Through Film and Literature in Contemporary Spain (1980-2010).” AATSP Annual Conference. Jul. 8-11, 2013.San Antonio, TX

*Writer Lectures

Organizer of Mario Santamaría’s artist residency, an initiative with the Ramón Llull Institute, October 5-13, 2023. Co-sponsored by the Arts Research Center, the Berkeley Center for New Media and the Peder Sather Center for Advanced Studies.

Organizer of Eugenio Tisselli’s video lecture at UC Berkeley, on November 7, 2023. Sponsored by the Berkeley Center for New media.

Organizer of Digital Literary Arts: Conversations with artists, poets and scholars – A YouTube Series. Conducted by professors Alex Saum-Pascual (UC Berkeley) and Élika Ortega (CU Boulder). Fall 2020  https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFMzFcVN1Dbz-oSHmMCwk3T2UI2SvE8Wr

Organizer of Milton Läufer’s video lecture at UC Berkeley, on March 16, 2020 and October 7, 2023. Sponsored by the Berkeley Center for New media.

Organizer of Élika Ortega’s video lecture at UC Berkeley, on February 2, 2020 and October 12, 2023. Sponsored by the Berkeley Center for New media.

Organizer of Isabel Cadenas Cañón’s visit to UC Berkeley, presenting her latest work at the event “Memory and Absence in Contemporary Spain,” sponsored by The Townsend Center on November 5, 2019

Organizer of Rita Raley’s visit to UC Berkeley, presenting her current digital work,talk sponsored by the Digital Humanities at Berkeley Program on March 29, 2016

Organizer of Rui Torres’ visit to UC Berkeley, presenting his life work,talk co-sponsored by the Digital Humanities at Berkeley Program and the Department of Spanish and Portuguese on April 28, 2016

Organizer of Doménico Chiappe visit to UC Berkeley, reading Tierra de extracción, talk co-sponsored by the Institute of European Studies and the Department of Spanish and Portuguese on March 11, 2016

Organizer of Amaranth Borsuk’s visit to UC Berkeley, reading Between Page and Screen and Abra, sponsored by the Townsend Center for the Humanities and Doe Library, on March 11, 2016

Organizer of Leonardo Flores’ visit to UC Berkeley, “Presenting the ELC Vol. 3,” sponsored by the Digital Humanities at Berkeley program, on March 10, 2016

Presenter for Lorenzo Silva’s visit to UC Berkeley, “Morocco and Spain: Shapeshifting Borderlands of Africa and Europe,” talk co-sponsored by the Spanish Studies Program, the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, African Studies and the Center for Middle Eastern Studies on April 28, 2015

Organizer of Jorge Carrión’s visit to UC Berkeley, “Literatura en crisis,” talk co-sponsored by the Spanish Studies Program, the Townsend Center for the Humanities, and the Department of Spanish and Portuguese on March 3, 2014

Organizer of Vicente Luis Mora’s visit to UC Berkeley, “Visual Identities, Recorded Subjects and ‘Pant-Pages’ in Late Narratives in Spanish from a Transatlantic Perspective,” talk co-sponsored by the BCNM, the Spanish Studies Program and the Department of Spanish and Portuguese on Nov. 15, 2012

Organizer of Laura Freixás’s visit to UC Berkeley, “Cómo me hice escritora, gracias a Franco, mi madre y Simone de Beauvoir,” talk co-sponsored by the Townsend Center for the Humanities, the Spanish Studies Program and the Department of Spanish and Portuguese on Nov. 7, 2012

*Other Service

Evaluator for Iberoamericana-Vervuert Press

Member of the Editorial Board of Eviterna-HAD, Digital Art History Journal, University of Malaga (2017-Present)

Member of the External Scientific Committee of Revista electrónica de Investigación y Docencia Creativa-ReiDoCrea, University of Granada (2016-Present)

Reviewer for the Spanish Journal of Cultural Studies, the Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, The Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies, Revista Hispánica Moderna, Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, Leonardo, the Electronic Book Review, and Amodern (2012-Present) Faculty Liaison, Sigma Delta Pi (2013-2019)





Grupo de Investigación Reconocido «Tecnología y poder en el pensamiento y las letras» (TePPeL)

Instituto de Estudios Medievales y Renacentistas y de Humanidades Digitales (IEMRhd-USAL)

Red Latinoamericana de Literatura Electrónica

Asociación Internacional de Humanidades Digitales Hispánicas

Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (Association for Computers and Humanities)

Electronic Literature Organization

Modern Language Association

Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association

American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese

American Comparative Literature Association

Association for Contemporary Iberian Studies

Sigma Delta Pi, Kappa Upsilon Chapter